How to dress in politics – successful women!

When dressing for any leadership role, we need to consider how those we intend to inspire will perceive us.
I have recently started working with a woman who is considering a future in politics. Like all people contemplating a more ‘public’ life, she knows that how she looks is relevant.
After some dialogue, we distinguished that Tracey’s objectives for her appearance are: to look credible, professional, accessible, trustworthy and feel like herself.
These appearance objectives are universal for so many professionals; however, women are scrutinised for their look in any public role.
In preparation for shopping, we discussed the looks of some of the most successful women in global finance and politics and compared their familiar visual cues:
simple jackets, earrings, makeup, a necklace, collar or scarf.
Equipped with this knowledge, I assisted Tracey in acquiring some new clothing and accessories. The outcome is that she looks credible, feels fabulous and can most importantly now take the attention off herself. With a few outfits sorted, Tracey can concentrate on making a difference in politics.
Other initial feedback for Tracey:
Remove your nose piercing if you want traditional or mainstream support. (My client is not of Indian descent, where the piercing traditionally honours coming of age or marriageability). While the nose piercing does not offend me, it may become an unwanted ‘topic of conversation’ in the political area.
Questions for you?
Are you presenting yourself in a way that has those you intend to reach be able to listen to you?
Is your presentation a match for who you are?
Are you dressing in a way that flatters your Style A B C = Archetype, Body structure and Colouring?
So that you can look credible, professional, accessible, trustworthy and feel like yourself?